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Layer: Section (ID: 1)

Default Visibility:   True

Configured Visibility:   True

Minimum Scale:   300000

Maximum Scale:   0

Extent:   -13373092.5075262, 4163715.1432253, -12667538.0709453, 5159760.69066156

Display Name:   Sections

Description:   The PLSS First Division is commonly the section. This is the first set of divisions for a PLSS Township.

Feature Type:   Polygon

Type:   FeatureLayer

Display Field:   PLSSID

Primary Key Field:   OBJECTID

Show Map Tips:   False

Searchable:   False

Identifiable:   False

Queryable:   False

Can Copy Feature:   True

Snappable:   True

Snapping Enabled:   False

Has Attachments:   False

Feature Label:   {PLSSID}

Feature Description:   N/A

Feature Long Description:   N/A

Feature Zoom Factor:   N/A

Feature Zoom Scale:   N/A

Feature Border Color:   N/A

Feature Border Width:   N/A

Feature Fill Color:   N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:   True

Include in Legend:   True

Can Toggle Labels:   True

Show Labels:   True

Allow Symbolization:   True

Draw Index:   N/A

Legend URL:   N/A

Style Name:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default

Time Zone ID:   N/A

  • OBJECTID (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PLSSID [Township Identifier] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FRSTDIVID [First Division Identifier] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FRSTDIVTYP [First Division Type Code] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FRSTDIVTXT [First Division Type Text] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FRSTDIVNO [First Division Number] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FRSTDIVDUP [First Division Duplicate] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FRSTDIVLAB [First Division Label] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SURVTYP [Survey Type Code] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SURVTYPTXT [Survey Type Text] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SOURCEDATE [Source Doc Date] (Type: DateTime, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SOURCEREF [Source Doc Link or Reference] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • RECRDAREATX [Record Area Text] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • RECRDAREANO [Record Area Number] (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • GISACRE [GIS Acres] (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape [SHAPE] (Type: Object, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • GlobalID (Type: Guid, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape.STArea() (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • Shape.STLength() [SHAPE.STLength()] (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • TWN (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • RNG (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SECT (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)

Layer Hyperlinks:

Show Feature Hyperlinks:   Show

Feature Hyperlinks:

Is Dynamic:   False

Dynamic Definition:




    Supported Interfaces:  REST